Teen Support Services are focused on helping and encouraging young people aged between 16-21.
The wellbeing of each of our young people is paramount to us.
We understand that moving can be difficult for anyone, especially for young people.
Teen Support Services offers non-invasive in house workshops to all residents which focus on self- esteem and more.
To work in partnership with young people, their families, carers, Children's Services Departments and
the community; to prepare and provide ongoing support to young adults and guide them through the transition towards living
independently and achieving their full potential.
Teen Support Services is aimed towards young people who are classed as leaving care and are in need of
additional support to meet their individual needs.
TSS has vast experience of working with young people who self-harm and all of our staff is trained in working with individuals who self-injure. TSS has gained a deep understanding of the reasons young people harm themselves, and through our work we have learnt how to provide help and bring hope. Our staff adopts a non-judgmental approach in order to build trusting relationships with affected young people and helps them to find alternative positive coping mechanisms. We work closely with outside agencies such as CAMHS, National Self-harm Network and Harmless.
Staff at TSS has undergone extensive training and have vast experience of working with young people with a history of alcohol and substance misuse. We offer one to one support as well as in-house workshops. We help and encourage our young people to access help and support from outside substance misuse agencies.
TSS has a wide experience of working with young offenders and young people with anti-social behaviour. Our team works closely with the local Youth Offending Service (YOS) and carries out regular engagement sessions which focus on:
Breaking the vicious cycle of anti-social and offending behaviours;
Anger management;
Peer Pressure;
Victim Awareness;
Consequences of further offending.
We also accompany young people to court and YOS appointments.
TSS recognises the need to take a proactive approach in order to protect young people that are at risk of, or exposed to sexual exploitation. Staff supports young people to develop their knowledge and skills around making positive choices about relationships, sexual health and provide them with information about how to avoid situations that could put them at risk of Sexual Exploitation. TSS work collaboratively with all agencies and believes that working in partnership is crucial to tackling the sexual exploitation of young people.
TSS has gained experience whilst working with unaccompanied asylum seekers and recognises the importance of making the young asylum seekers feel safe and comfortable within their environment by referring them to services and organisations that offer support for refuges and asylum seekers. We understand that communication is key and for this reason, we have employed a multilingual Asylum Support worker to help the unaccompanied asylum seekers. We have found that once we are able to communicate, we can aid them to follow the various procedures to seek asylum.
TSS supports unaccompanied asylum seekers to make contact with local solicitors, to access to local colleges and enrol on ESOL courses. TSS also provides engagement sessions around “life in the UK” developing their awareness of British culture and society.
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